When you know how to satisfy a woman sexually it can be a very powerful thing. Just imagine knowing that you have the power to give any woman the most intense mind blowing orgasms of her life. Feels pretty powerful right? Just the confidence alone can be overwhelming.
I believe these skills to be able to satisfy women sexually are essential life skills all men should know. It’s just that up until now there hasn’t been anywhere people could go to learn the right information on this kind of stuff.
To satisfy a woman sexually you must first understand that woman are far different from men when it comes to sexual satisfaction. For women there are many more emotions involved then there are with men. Then add in their vagina to the equation which to be honest is actually quite complex and satisfying a woman sexually can all of a sudden seem like quite a daunting task.
But have no fear once you learn the proper way to “lead” a woman to an orgasm it will seem like second nature and you’ll wonder how you ever lived without this information.
Now Techniques are very important part of sexually satisfying a woman but they are not the only part. For the rest of this article I’m going to focus on the other half of what 99% of men don’t focus on and that is a woman’s mind. Don’t worry though I’ll let you know where you can go to get some killer techniques later on.
With women sex is just as much emotional as it is physical and it takes both to fully satisfy a woman sexually.
It’s incredibly important to have her trust and respect. Without that she won’t be able to obtain the high level of orgasm she’s capable of achieving. She has to let herself be vulnerable and she needs to trust that you will respect her.
You need to assure her mind that it’s okay to let go and that she can give herself to you completely. When a woman orgasms she needs to have her mind free and clear out chatter. Help bring her into the present to “allow” her to have an orgasm.
There are many possible “Mind Blocks” that will bring chatter into her mind and block her from having an orgasm. Some of these are:
– Self Conscious about her own body
– She’s more of a giver not a receiver
– Stress and outside distractions
– She may be to focused on having the orgasm
You need to create an experience that allows her to be completely present and stop all the chatter in her head that will allow her to fully enjoy her sexual experience and have an orgasm. Now add in a few techniques and you should be well on your way to giving you lover the best orgasms she’s ever had.
Did you know that 70% of women have never had an orgasm during sex and 29% of women have never had an orgasm at all. I can’t imagine going through life not ever having an orgasm, can you? Learn this G Spot technique so you can satisify the women in your life.
Talk Soon,
Jason Julius
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